I did 7pm-4am, and then 11am-12pm, roughly. You receive Medallion of the Obulus, one of the 3 pieces for the key to Veeshan's Peak. Maybe you can find some good to do with it.' My torment still flows as freely as when my peoples first suffered fiery death. I never thought the symbol of our people would be made whole again. (3) Top shard: Given to you by Ssolet Dnaas, who spawns in the island in Warsliks Wood, when you complete the Burnished Wooden Staff quest.

(2) Bottom shard: Dropped by pained soul in Trakanon's Teeth, Near the entrance to Old Sebilis (1) Middle shard: Drops off rotting skeleton at approximately loc 2250, -5140 in the Dreadlands (7 minute static spawn) You need to identify the piece of medallion you find to determine which one it is. Remember that there are three separate medallions in the game, each broken into three pieces that just say a piece of broken medallion when you find it.
Perhaps this will even free me from my torment. Bring them all here and I may be able to unite them again. The last is held by a long-rotted Iksar skeleton in the Dreadlands. Another is guarded by an Iksar ghost in Trakanon's. One rests in the hands of Sselot though he knows not its purpose. If I were, I would find them and bring them back together.' I know where they are now but I am no longer flesh. Broken into pieces long lost to the dark forests now. Slixin Klex says, 'Medallion of the Obulus. But all is gone, all our people, all our works, even the medallion that was the symbol of our power.' We tamed the dark and wilds and bent the forests to our needs. Slixin Klex says, 'Obulus was our people. Once, strong we were, but the fiery rocks from the sky crushed our proud cities and weakened our tribe.' Death and destruction splintering our tribe. Slixin Klex says, 'Fiery death from the sky. He is a level 50 skeleton and is indifferent to both good and evil races. This quest results in the Medallion of the Obulus, which is one of three medallions needed for the Rune of Scale quest to get into Veeshan's Peak. This has lead to a little bit of frustration thanks to the above, where I'd spawn in and my syndicate buddies would spawn in a room nearby, running to me and triggering alarms, or I'd get 10/12 and then the capture target blows it or something similar.

This leaves you with exterminate and rescue as your only 2 mission types, and you must do two of them to complete the challenge. In the case of capture, it's not an actual alarm, but getting within ~100m or so of the target fails the objective. Sure you can tell them to hold position at the start, but sometimes they don't spawn next to you and wander through a room of people, triggering alarms.īut back to the mission types - Intercept, Defense, Excavation, Survival, reactor Sabotage, Capture, Hijack, Hive, and Mobile Defense all trigger alarms at some point through running the mission regardless of how stealthy you are. There are only 2 mission types you can actually do this in at all without triggering an alarm and failing it, and your syndicate buddies that tag along trigger alarms. Normally, I'm fine with no-alarm kind of things, but in this case, there's a few problems. I got a melee riven the other day with the task of earning 12 syndicate medallions without setting off an alarm.