I have been playing subscription based MMO's since the phenomena began way back when Ultima Online began and there were others as well like Meridian 59, etc. So having read this argument/thread I am still not sure what the cost per month is.
#Final fantasy xiv subscription code#
When i tried FF14 i knew it was a sub game and id have to buy the game / heavensward if i wanted to progress further buuuuuut i also used the amazing internet to try find any cheap deals.i basically brought FF14 AAR / Heavensward and a 60 day time card for like £26 which meant i would have 90 days worth of a top game for less than my usual FPS i was always mad on Also buying the game/ gametime/ exp you get given freebies/thank you items.annnnd i used a friends RAF code to get things that would help me level.all for free.

GW2 / ESO I purchased before it went f2p and they were great, GW2 was a fantastic game and i still pop back to it now and then.Īlot of these though were rather limiting, and i felt like i was being kind of forced into subbing or buy there premium / elite / fancy pants monthly menberships Most of these were just about playable as a f2p the worsed was SWTOR / LOTRo / DCUO Yes you do need to purchase the game, and subscription.but thats the way the cookie crumbles, WoW / Eve online does this too, i was very anti sub and spent the last year trying out lots of buy-2-play / f2p games