Ziggurat – Noun | A pyramid-shaped Mesopotamian tower Zenithal – Adjective | Pertaining to the highest point or acme (zenith) Zarzuela – Noun | A comical Spanish operetta Zaratite – Noun | Emerald-colored mineral Zamindar – Noun | Landowner who leased to tenant farmers in India during the time of British rule (also spelled zemindar) Zumbooruk – Noun | Small canon on a swiveling base 8-Letter Words Zinfandel – Noun | Grape variety grown in California for winemaking Zillionth – Noun | Very small fraction of something Zibelline – Noun | Sable fur (also spelled zibeline)

Zettabyte – Noun | One sextillion bytes of computer storage Zebrawood – Noun | Trees with striped wood Zygomycete – Noun | A fungus that reproduces using zygospores, belonging to the subclass Zygomycetes 9-Letter Words Zygobranch – Noun | A creature belonging to the Zygobranchia order of marine gastropods Zugzwanged – Verb | Maneuvered into a chess position where any move results in a severe disadvantage Zootherapy – Noun | Form of therapy that uses animals Zidovudine – Noun | Antiviral drug used to treat AIDS

Zygomorphic – Adjective | Pertaining to a flower that is only symmetrical when bisected along a longitudinal plane 10-Letter Words Zygodactyly – Noun | A bird with feet that feature two toes facing forward and two facing backward Zwischenzug – Noun | A tactical chess move Zeptosecond – Noun | A sextillionth of a second Zeolitiform – Adjective | In the shape of crystalline minerals that form in cavities of igneous rock (zeolites) Zygomycetous – Adjective | Pertaining to fungus that reproduces using zygospores (zygomycete) 11-Letter Words Zygodactylic – Adjective | Having feet with two toes facing forward and two facing backward Zwitterionic – Adjective | Pertaining to an ion charged both positively and negatively Zooxanthella – Noun | Tiny plant-like organisms found within the cells of other organisms Zoologically – Adverb | In the manner of a branch of biology concerned with non-human animals Zoogeography – Noun | A field of study that examines the geographic distribution of animals Zoochemistry – Noun | A branch of biochemistry pertaining to the chemical processes within animals Zincographic – Adjective | Pertaining to the process of engraving, photoengraving, or preparing printing surfaces on zinc Zygodactylism – Noun | The state of having feet with two toes facing forward and two facing backward 12-Letter Words Zygapophyseal – Adjective | Pertaining to the articular processes of the neural arch vertebrae (zygapophysis) Zoosporangium – Noun | A spore case bearing independently motile spores Zooplanktonic – Adjective | Pertaining to small animals drifting or floating in the sea or fresh water (animal plankton) Zoogeographer – Noun | Expert who studies the geographic distribution of animals (zoogeography) Zombification – Noun | The process of turning into a zombie or becoming zombie-like Zinjanthropus – Noun | An individual or fossil belonging to a genus of ancient hominids from the Lower Pleistocene period Zygobranchiate – Adjective | Pertaining to the Zygobranchia order of marine gastropods 13-Letter Words Zooxanthellate – Adjective | Pertaining to tiny plant-like organisms found within the cells of other organisms (zooxanthella) Zoophytologist – Noun | An expert in the branch of zoology concerning animals that resemble plants (zoophytes) Zincographical – Adjective | Pertaining to the process of engraving, photoengraving, or preparing printing surfaces on zinc Zinckification – Noun | The process of applying a zinc coating (also spelled zincification) Zoophytological – Adjective | Pertaining to the branch of zoology concerning animals that resemble plants (zoophytes) 14-Letter Words Zoophysiologist – Noun | An expert who studies the way animals’ bodies function Zoogeographical – Adjective | Pertaining to the field of study that examines the geographic distribution of animals (zoogeography)